Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc.

Pro-Project Mammography Test Phantoms & Tools - Main Menu
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Mammography Scale!
Mammography Compression Scale.
A calibrated scale for assessment of the breast compression force of mammography systems.
Pro-Mammography Test Phantom!
Pro-Euro Comprehensive Mammography Test Phantom.
A quality phantom which will allow for the complete monitoring of mammography system parameters.
Pro-MAM Accreditation Phantom!
Pro-MAM Accreditation Phantom.
A quality phantom that as designed to meet ACR Mammography Accreditation Program Requirements as well as those of Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of 1992.
Pro-MAM Biopsy Phantom!
Pro-MAM Biopsy Phantom
A phantom designed to provide a fast and easy way to test image quality on digital biopsy mammography units and qualify for ACR accreditation.
Pro-Mam Performance Phantom!
Pro-Mam Performance.
A mammography phantom designed to be used for routine and ongoing checks of those performance parameters most liable to deterioration.
Mammography Step Wedge!
Pro-Mam 21-Step Mammography Step Wedge.
A 21 Step Mammography Aluminum Wedge intended for the tracking and determination of the dose reproducibility, sensitometric curve, speed, and mid-gradient of mammography imaging systems.

Cards We Accept!
For order methods and policies, please click here.

E-Mail Sales

Phone Lines open...
8am - 5pm Monday-Friday (Pacific/West Coast Time)
Phone: 1-503-667-3000
Toll-Free (US): 800-827-XRAY (800-827-9729)
Download our order form
and then...Fax Your Order
24 Hours a day!

P.O. Box 625 * Gresham, OR  97030 * U.S.A.

This web site is our catalog, no printed catalog is available. - Please keep checking back, changes to this site are made daily.
Every effort is made on our part to keep all posted prices up to date, however we can not guarantee the accuracy due to notification delays by the manufacturers.
Purchase Orders accepted only upon approval of credit - Min. $500 opening order for new open CHARGE accounts.
All other orders (Cash, Credit Card, etc) subject only to a $30 product minimum order!

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