This Image Quality Indicator is especially made for digital X-ray applications. It may be used to evaluate image
unsharpness (film and digital images) and basic spatial resolution in digital images according to EN 13068 (Radioscopy),
EN 14784 and ISO 13671 (CR - Computed Radiography with imaging plates), ISO 17636-2 (digital radiography of welds - flat
panel detectors) or ASTM E 2597 (characterization of digital detector arrays). It may also be used to determine focal
spot sizes.
Technical Data: (can be modified to customer specifications).
Dimensions: 15 x 70 x 4 mm
13 groups of wire pairs (from 1D to 13D) embedded in PMMA (acrylic).
Groups 1D - 3D made of tungsten.
Groups 4D - 13D made of platinum.
Diameter of wires / spacing between wires ranges from 0.050 to 0.800 mm
Calibration / test certificate according to ASTM E 2002 and ISO 19232-5
Product Features:
Complies with:
ISO 19232-5
EN 462-5
ASTM E2002-99 Duplex IQI
CE certified (declaration of conformity according to ISO/IEC 17050-1)
Manual which provides guidelines for carrying out each test, results assessment and registration.