Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc.

       Pro-Project Pin-Hole Camera - Focal Spot Test Tool.       

Pro-Project! The Pro-Pinhole Phantom is the so called pinhole camera for accurate measurement of the focal spot size according to IEC 60336:2005.

The Yellow Pinhole Phantom includes mounting screw and stainless steel mounting frame.

Its main advantages are:
* Repeatability
* Accuracy
* Options to measure the size of different focal spots.

Technical data: (Can be modified to customer specifications):
  • Diaphragm dimensions: Ø 5 x 1.5 mm
  • Diaphragm made from a 90:10 gold-platinum alloy
  • Four different pinhole diameters options available:
    – 0.010 mm for focal spot sizes from 0.5 to 0.10 mm
    – 0.030 mm for focal spot sizes below 1.0 mm
    – 0.075 mm for focal spots from 1.0 to 2.5 mm
    – 0.100 mm for focal spot sizes above 2.5 mm
  • Includes Mounting screw and stainless steel mounting frame.

  • Product features: Complies with: – IEC 60336:2005, – IEC 61223-3-1, 2, 4, CE certified.
    Provided Manual includes detailed guidelines for carrying out each test, results assessment and registration.

    TECHNICAL Data for PRO-Stand:
    -Adjustable height from 350 mm to over 600 mm (wide range of magnification)
    -Adjustable horizontal position and vertical angle of the table top (optional - for testing mammography systems)
    -Place in the base for the Pro-Dent positioning stand for accurate positioning of dental RVG detectors
    -Optional add-ons for stand alignment verification – especially useful for measurements on mammography units
    -Optional wider arm for Pro-HVL filters
    -Optional heavy duty carrying case with two layer foam inlay

    Stock #
    Your Price
    PRO-PinHole Camera, Pinhole Diameter: 0.010mm
    PRO-PinHole Camera, Pinhole Diameter: 0.030mm
    PRO-PinHole Camera, Pinhole Diameter: 0.075mm
    PRO-PinHole Camera, Pinhole Diameter: 0.100mm
    PRO-Stand, Adjustable Stand
    PRO-Stand Case
    With dedicated foam inlay for the Pro-Stand
    PRO-Stand MAM
    Additional Base for Slope Adjustment
    (ideal for mammo units)
    PRO-Stand ALIGN
    Alignment verification tools for PRO-Stand

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