Pacific Northwest X-Ray Inc.

Pro-Project was established in Poland in 1991. They specialize in the production of Quality Assurance/Quality Control medical imaging/radiotherapy devices. Many years of experience in this field have made it possible for them to develop and produce a wide range of quality assurance phantoms along with supporting software applications. Their products comply with international standards and CE certification (among others ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 management systems).

Copper Plates for AEC Test!
Copper Plates for AEC/Phototimer Testing.
Set of 2 high purity copper plates for testing Automated Exposure Control of radiography equipment.
Digital Mammography Test Phantom!
Digital Mammography Test Phantom.
A versatile phantom can be used for monitoring technical parameters of digital mammography imaging systems.
HVL Testing Aluminum Plates!
HVL Filter Testing Sets.
Sets of high (99.9%) and standard (99.5%) purity aluminium plates for testing Half Value Layer. (HVL)
X-Ray Resolution Test Phantoms!
Line Pair Phantoms.
A wide range of resolution test patterns covering most test applications.
Mammography Scale!
Mammography Compression Scale.
A calibrated scale for assessment of the breast compression force of mammography systems.
X-Ray Pin-Hole Camera!
Pin Hole Camera/Phantom.
A test phantom intended to be used in the accurate measurement of the focal spot sizes inside of an x-ray tube through projection.
A multifaceted phantom intended for acceptance and constancy tests of digital radiography equipment.
Pro-Mammography Test Phantom!
Pro-Euro - Comprehensive Mammography Test Phantom.
A quality phantom which will allow for the complete monitoring of mammography system parameters.
Radiography Contrast Detail Phantom!
Pro-RF - Radiography Contrast Detail Phantom.
A Contrast-Detail (CD) phantom makes it possible to quantify both detail and contrast as observed by the radiologist.
Pro-Fluo 150 Test Phantom!
Pro-Fluo 150.
Dedicated acceptance and constancy tests for fluoroscopic and radiographic imaging systems.
Pro-MAM Accreditation Phantom!
Pro-MAM Accreditation - Mammography Accreditation Phantom.
A quality phantom that as designed to meet ACR Mammography Accreditation Program Requirements as well as those of Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of 1992.
Pro-Mam Performance Phantom!
Pro-Mam Performance - Routine Performance Test Phantom.
A mammography phantom designed to be used for routine and ongoing checks of those performance parameters most liable to deterioration.
Mammography Step Wedge!
Pro-Mam 21-Step Mammography Step Wedge.
A 21 Step Mammography Aluminum Wedge intended for the tracking and determination of the dose reproducibility, sensitometric curve, speed, and mid-gradient of mammography imaging systems.
MRI Test Phantom!
Pro-MRI - Comprehensive MRI Phantom.
A full featured MRI phantom for the evaluation of most critical imaging parameters in an MRI system.
Pro-RF Fluo 18 Phantom!
Pro-RF Fluo 18
A circular phantom which allows for brightness and contrast adjustments, circular geometry check (scanning linearity) plus wide-range low-contrast and high-contrast resolution evaluation.
X-Ray Beam Alignment Tool!
PRO-RF Geometry - Rad/Fluoro Beam Alignment Tools.
An x-ray beam alignment device that readily indicates a 1% or 2% misalignment of the beam.
Pro-RF Ruler!
Pro-RF Ruler - Radiopaque Ruler.
A Radiopaque Ruler, when exposed, provides a solid reference of the actual object size.
Focal Spot Test Slit Camera!
Focal Spot Slit Camera.
A test aperture intended for the accurate measurement of focal spot size in x-ray tubes.
X-Ray Step Wedge!
21-Step, Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Exposure Step Wedge.
A 21-step wedge which is handy for tracking exposure speed and grey scale latitude.

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Phone: 1-503-667-3000
Toll-Free (US): 800-827-XRAY (800-827-9729)
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24 Hours a day!

P.O. Box 625 * Gresham, OR  97030 * U.S.A.

This web site is our catalog, no printed catalog is available. - Please keep checking back, changes to this site are made daily.
Every effort is made on our part to keep all posted prices up to date, however we can not guarantee the accuracy due to notification delays by the manufacturers.
Purchase Orders accepted only upon approval of credit - Min. $500 opening order for new open CHARGE accounts.
All other orders (Cash, Credit Card, etc) subject only to a $30 product minimum order!

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